About me

Welcome! I’m a MSc. student and researcher in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, finishing my master thesis on “…”, an overall AI enthusiast…


My research is driven by substantive questions in public opinion and political psychology: How and why do citizens change their attitudes on political issues? How do these attitude changes drive mass polarization? How is polarization causally related to other features of government and society? As a computational social scientist, I answer these questions by using and developing rigorous methods in natural language processing, Bayesian statistics, and causal inference, with a particular focus on high-quality measurement.

I received my PhD in 2023 from the Department of Political Science at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I previously received my MA. I also hold a BA in History, Political Science, and Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My work has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the American Political Science Association, among others.